LaSalle Area Housing Communities
Discover our LaSalle Area Communities
LaSalle, IL
Centennial Courts
901 Grant St (90 Units)
Robert Hughett Towers
1020-1040 Second St (156 Units)
Peru, IL
Phillip Mueller House
705 Calhoun St. (59 Units)
Mendota, IL
Southview Manor
100 S. Ninth Ave. (30 Units)
Mendota Residential Center
701 Meadowview Dr. (48 Units)
Oglesby, IL
Stan Clark Homes
410 W. Second St. (10 Units)
James Gallo Courts
425 W. Walnut St. (20 Units)
Public Housing
"The Public Housing program provides affordable housing to over 1600 families in our community. Stretching across LaSalle County, the HALC owns and operates more than 1000 units of affordable housing."