HALC Section 8
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is administered by the HALC, providing support to families in both LaSalle County and Grundy County.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is the Federal government’s major program, designed for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the participant, they are able to find their own housing.
Families who are issued a voucher locate a single family home, town home, or apartment, with the correct number of bedrooms. The voucher holder then enters into a lease with the private owner. The HALC will also enter into an agreement, Housing Assistance Payment, with the private owner for the subsidy payment.
Rents and utilities on the dwelling unit cannot exceed the payment standard that is established by the HALC. Families’ pay 30- 40% of the total household income towards their dwelling costs. HALC will pay the difference between the total approved rent and the portion the voucher holder is responsible to pay. All rents paid by the HALC will be paid directly to the private owner.
All dwelling units must meet Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and are inspected on an annual basis to maintain those standards.
For more information, or if you are a private landlord and would like to work with the HALC, please contact our Central Office.
Download Section 8 Admin Plan January 2017